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Die Veränderung der urbanen Territorialität infolge der Videoüberwachung des öffentlichen Raumes : ein Vergleich unterschiedlicher räumlicher Funktionsweisen der Videoüberwachung

Klauser, F.

Die Veränderung der urbanen Territorialität infolge der Videoüberwachung des öffentlichen Raumes : ein Vergleich unterschiedlicher räumlicher Funktionsweisen der Videoüberwachung Thumbnail


F. Klauser


As a result of the anonymisation of parts of public space and increasing individualisation of social relations and forms of life, mechanisms of social regulation are changing within public space. Increases of private and public video surveillance were first seen in Great Britain and the United States, later in continental Europe. On the basis of a study of spatial distribution of video surveillance cameras in the context of public space in the city of Geneva, different strategies and forms of surveillance by video cameras are indicated. The investigation shows the degree to which the locality of a video surveillance camera reflects the economic activities in the area. Consequently, the implications of mostly privately owned video surveillance on the urban territoriality of different actors within public space could be analysed. Included in the research are the results of a public opinion poll involving 500 inhabitants of Olten on public perception of video surveillance. In this context, special attention was paid to video surveillance as a symbolic and material mediator, transforming social relations between individuals as well as their relationship with public space.


Klauser, F. (2004). Die Veränderung der urbanen Territorialität infolge der Videoüberwachung des öffentlichen Raumes : ein Vergleich unterschiedlicher räumlicher Funktionsweisen der Videoüberwachung. Geographica Helvetica, 59(2), 106-118.

Journal Article Type Article
Online Publication Date Jun 30, 2004
Publication Date Jun 30, 2004
Deposit Date Mar 19, 2009
Publicly Available Date Mar 19, 2009
Journal Geographica Helvetica
Print ISSN 0016-7312
Electronic ISSN 2194-8798
Publisher Copernicus Publications
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 59
Issue 2
Pages 106-118
Public URL


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