FL Pratt
Spin dynamics in conducting polymers studied by mu SR
Pratt, FL; Blundell, SJ; Pattenden, PA; Hayes, W; Chow, KH; Monkman, AP; Ishiguro, T; Ishida, K; Nagamine, K
SJ Blundell
PA Pattenden
W Hayes
KH Chow
Professor Andrew Monkman a.p.monkman@durham.ac.uk
T Ishiguro
K Ishida
K Nagamine
We report studies of spin dynamics in the conducting polymers polyaniline and polypyrrole using both mu(+)SR and mu(-)SR techniques. These measurements reveal characteristic held dependences and cutoff frequencies for the muon spin relaxation which can be related to the spin diffusion process. Clear evidence is seen for increased spin localisation at low temperatures where a crossover occurs from two or three dimensional spin diffusion to a one dimensional diffusion regime.
Pratt, F., Blundell, S., Pattenden, P., Hayes, W., Chow, K., Monkman, A., …Nagamine, K. (1997). Spin dynamics in conducting polymers studied by mu SR. Hyperfine Interactions, 106(1-4), 33-38
Journal Article Type | Article |
Publication Date | 1997 |
Journal | Hyperfine Interactions |
Print ISSN | 0304-3843 |
Publisher | Springer |
Volume | 106 |
Issue | 1-4 |
Pages | 33-38 |
Public URL | https://durham-repository.worktribe.com/output/1559299 |