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Solution state doping studies of the polyemeraldine camphor sulphonic acid system

Monkman, AP; Rebourt, E; Petr, A


E Rebourt

A Petr


Solution state protonation (doping) studies have been made using polyemeraldine and the phenyl capped tetramer oligomer of emeraldine. The spectra show in detail the changes which occur in the electronic structure of these materials upon doping and indicate that imine sites can be protonated singularly and that homogeneous protonation occurs at all protonation levels. Ageing in solution and dilution experiments indicate that solvation effects, probably rigid rod to coil, occur on a relatively long time scale.


Monkman, A., Rebourt, E., & Petr, A. (1997). Solution state doping studies of the polyemeraldine camphor sulphonic acid system. Synthetic Metals, 84(1-3), 761-762

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date 1997-01
Journal Synthetic Metals
Print ISSN 0379-6779
Electronic ISSN 1879-3290
Publisher Elsevier
Volume 84
Issue 1-3
Pages 761-762
Keywords polyaniline and derivatives; UV-Vis-NIR absorption
Public URL