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Precise and accurate 186Os/188Os and 187Os/188Os measurements by Multi-
Collector Plasma Ionisation Mass Spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS) part I: solution

Nowell, G.M.; Luguet, A.; Pearson, D.G.; Horstwood, M.A.


A. Luguet

D.G. Pearson

M.A. Horstwood


We present new high precision Os isotope data obtained by solution-mode MC-ICPMS for 4 different Os isotope standards and compare the data to that obtained by the N-TIMS method. Mass fractionation effects for MC-ICPMS are evaluated and we demonstrate excellent adherence to the exponential law. An improved and robust method for the derivation of interfering element isotope ratios is presented and evaluated via analysis of solutions with widely varying interfering element/analyte ratios. We show experiments that illustrate the extent of memory with a conventional solution introduction system and establish a protocol that reduces washout time and memory effects to the same level as those common for other elements typically analysed at high precision by MC-ICPMS. Data for standard solutions show excellent agreement between MC-ICPMS and N-TIMS for all Os isotope ratios except 186Os/188Os and 184Os/188Os which are consistently lower by ~100 ppm and 3-5 ‰ respectively for MC-ICPMS. These differences are highly unlikely to arise from problems relating to Faraday cup efficiency variations, residual mass fractionation effects or inaccuracies in the applied W interference corrections on 186Os and 184Os for MC-ICPMS analyses. These issues require further investigation if the Pt-Os system is to find routine application as a geochemical tracer.


Nowell, G., Luguet, A., Pearson, D., & Horstwood, M. (2008). analyses. Chemical Geology, 248, 363-393

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date 2008
Journal Chemical Geology
Print ISSN 0009-2541
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 248
Pages 363-393
Public URL