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Dietitians' views of overweight and obese people and reported management practices

Harvey, E.L.; Summerbell, C.D.; Kirk, S.F.L.; Hill, A.J.


E.L. Harvey

S.F.L. Kirk

A.J. Hill


Objectives: To examine dietitians' views of overweight and obese people, to explore the role of level of severity on these perceptions (overweight vs. obesity), and to explore the relationship between dietitians' views and their reported weight management practices. Design: An independent measures survey, questioning dietitians about either overweight or obese people. Participants: One-hundred and eighty-seven members of the British Dietetic Association. Measurements: a questionnaire exploring beliefs about the causes, attitudes, perceptions of responsibility and reported weight management practices. Results: Physical inactivity was identified as an important causative factor for both overweight and obesity. Mood, eating too much of the wrong foods, repeated dieting and interpersonal factors were also seen as relatively important for both groups. Attitudes were mixed, but were generally neutral to positive. The most negative attitudes were described in terms of perceived reduced self-esteem, sexual attractiveness and health. Dietitians rated obese people more negatively than overweight people. They viewed both overweight and obese people as being responsible for their excess weight. They also reported very similar management practices for overweight and obese people. Beliefs about the causes of overweight explained more of the variance in practice than dietitians' attitudes towards or perceived responsibility of overweight and obese people. However, these associations were not consistent and strong, and other factors not investigated here are likely to have a greater influence on weight management practices.


Harvey, E., Summerbell, C., Kirk, S., & Hill, A. (2002). Dietitians' views of overweight and obese people and reported management practices. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 15(5), 331-347.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Oct 1, 2002
Deposit Date Jun 10, 2009
Journal Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics
Print ISSN 0952-3871
Electronic ISSN 1365-277X
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 15
Issue 5
Pages 331-347
Keywords Attitudes, Beliefs, Dietitians, Obesity, Overweight, Practices.
Public URL