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Deficits in facial, body movement and vocal emotional processing in autism spectrum disorders

Philip, R.C.M.; Whalley, H.C; Stanfield, A.C.; Sprengelmeyer, R.; Santos, I.M.; Young, A.W.; Atkinson, A.P.; Calder, A.J.; Johnstone, E.C.; Lawrie, S.M.; Hall, J.

Deficits in facial, body movement and vocal emotional processing in autism spectrum disorders Thumbnail


R.C.M. Philip

H.C Whalley

A.C. Stanfield

R. Sprengelmeyer

I.M. Santos

A.W. Young

A.J. Calder

E.C. Johnstone

S.M. Lawrie

J. Hall


Background: Previous behavioural and neuroimaging studies of emotion processing in Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) have focussed on the use of facial stimuli. To date, however, no studies have examined emotion processing in autism across a broad range of social signals. Methods: This study addressed this issue by investigating emotion processing in a group of 23 adults with ASD and 23 age and gender matched controls. Recognition of basic emotions (‘happiness’, ‘sadness’, ‘anger’, disgust’ and ‘fear’) was assessed from facial, body movement and vocal stimuli. The ability to make social judgements (such as approachability) from facial stimuli was also investigated. Results: Significant deficits in emotion recognition were found in the ASD group relative to the control group across all stimulus domains (faces, body movements and voices). These deficits were seen across a range of emotions. The ASD group were also impaired in making social judgements compared to the control group and this correlated with impairments in basic emotion recognition. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that there are significant and broad ranging deficits in emotion processing in ASD present across a range of stimulus domains and in the auditory and visual modality; they cannot therefore be accounted for simply in terms of impairments in face processing or in the visual modality alone. These results identify a core deficit affecting the processing of a wide range of emotional information in ASD which contributes to the impairments in social function seen in people with this condition.


Philip, R., Whalley, H., Stanfield, A., Sprengelmeyer, R., Santos, I., Young, A., …Hall, J. (2010). Deficits in facial, body movement and vocal emotional processing in autism spectrum disorders. Psychological Medicine, 40(11), 1919-1929.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Nov 1, 2010
Deposit Date Sep 12, 2012
Publicly Available Date Sep 12, 2012
Journal Psychological Medicine
Print ISSN 0033-2917
Electronic ISSN 1469-8978
Publisher Cambridge University Press
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 40
Issue 11
Pages 1919-1929
Keywords Autism, Emotion, Face, Gesture, Vocal.
Public URL


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