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Development of low temperature approaches to device quality cadmium sulfide: A novel geometry for solution growth of thin films and their characterization

Archbold, M.D.; Halliday, D.P.; Durose, K.; Hase, T.P.A.; Boyle, D.S.; Mazzamuto, S.; Romeo, N.; Bosio, A.


M.D. Archbold

K. Durose

T.P.A. Hase

D.S. Boyle

S. Mazzamuto

N. Romeo

A. Bosio


Archbold, M., Halliday, D., Durose, K., Hase, T., Boyle, D., Mazzamuto, S., Romeo, N., & Bosio, A. (online). Development of low temperature approaches to device quality cadmium sulfide: A novel geometry for solution growth of thin films and their characterization

Journal Article Type Article
Journal Conference Record of the 2006 Ieee 4th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Vols 1 and 2
Pages 438-441
Public URL