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Getting Vygotskian about theory of mind: Mediation, dialogue, and the development of social understanding

Fernyhough, C.

Getting Vygotskian about theory of mind: Mediation, dialogue, and the development of social understanding Thumbnail



The ideas of Vygotsky [Vygotsky, L. S. (1987). Thinking and speech. In The collected works of L. S. Vygotsky, (Vol. 1). New York: Plenum. (Original work published 1934.)] have been increasingly influential in accounting for social–environmental influences on the development of social understanding (SU). In the first part of this article, I examine how Vygotskian ideas have to date been recruited to explanations of the development of SU. Next, I present a model of SU development which draws on two implications of Vygotsky’s ideas: the importance of semiotic mediation for mental functioning, and the dialogic nature of the higher mental functions. I then consider the value of the proposed model in accounting for evidence from three areas of enquiry: the typical development of SU in infancy and early childhood, relations between individual differences in SU and social–environmental variables, and atypical development. The model is suggested to be particularly helpful in understanding the transition from intentional-agent to mental-agent understanding, and the role of language in SU. Remaining challenges include a need to specify further the cognitive processes underlying internalization, and to gather more extensive evidence on the roles of typical and atypical social experience in SU development.


Fernyhough, C. (2008). Getting Vygotskian about theory of mind: Mediation, dialogue, and the development of social understanding. Developmental Review, 28(2), 225-262.

Journal Article Type Article
Online Publication Date Apr 20, 2007
Publication Date Jun 1, 2008
Deposit Date Feb 26, 2009
Publicly Available Date Feb 26, 2009
Journal Developmental Review
Print ISSN 0273-2297
Electronic ISSN 1090-2406
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 28
Issue 2
Pages 225-262
Keywords Dialogue, Inner speech, Mentalizing, Private speech, Semiotic mediation, Social understanding, Vygotsky's theory.
Public URL


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