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The Santa Barbara cluster comparison project: A comparison of cosmological hydrodynamics solutions

Frenk, CS; White, SDM; Bode, P; Bond, JR; Bryan, GL; Cen, R; Couchman, HMP; Evrard, AE; Gnedin, N; Jenkins, A; Khokhlov, AM; Klypin, A; Navarro, JF; Norman, ML; Ostriker, JP; Owen, JM; Pearce, FR; Pen, UL; Steinmetz, M; Thomas, PA; Villumsen, JV; Wadsley, JW; Warrren, MS; Xu, G; Yepes, G


SDM White

P Bode

JR Bond

GL Bryan

R Cen

HMP Couchman

AE Evrard

N Gnedin

AM Khokhlov

A Klypin

JF Navarro

ML Norman

JP Ostriker

JM Owen

FR Pearce

UL Pen

M Steinmetz

PA Thomas

JV Villumsen

JW Wadsley

MS Warrren

G Xu

G Yepes


Frenk, C., White, S., Bode, P., Bond, J., Bryan, G., Cen, R., …Yepes, G. (1999). The Santa Barbara cluster comparison project: A comparison of cosmological hydrodynamics solutions. Astrophysical Journal, 525(2), 554-582.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date 1999-11
Journal Astrophysical Journal
Print ISSN 0004-637X
Electronic ISSN 1538-4357
Publisher American Astronomical Society
Volume 525
Issue 2
Pages 554-582
Keywords cosmology : theory; dark matter; galaxies : clusters : general; large-scale structure of universe; X-rays : galaxiesSMOOTHED PARTICLE HYDRODYNAMICS; X-RAY-CLUSTERS; FLUX-CORRECTED TRANSPORT; HIGH-RESOLUTION; GALAXY CLUSTERS; GAS-DYNAMICS; N-BODY; UNIVERSE
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