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The UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey Early Data Release

Dye, S; Warren, SJ; Hambly, NC; Cross, NJG; Hodgkin, ST; Irwin, MJ; Lawrence, A; Adamson, AJ; Almaini, O; Edge, AC; Hirst, P; Jameson, RF; Lucas, PW; van Breukelen, C; Bryant, J; Casali, M; Collins, RS; Dalton, GB; Davies, JI; Davis, CJ; Emerson, JP; Evans, DW; Foucaud, S; Gonzales-Solares, EA; Hewett, PC; Kendall, TR; Kerr, TH; Leggett, SK; Lodieu, N; Loveday, J; Lewis, JR; Mann, RG; McMahon, RG; Mortlock, DJ; Nakajima, Y; Pinfield, DJ; Rawlings, MG; Read, MA; Riello, M; Sekiguchi, K; Smith, AJ; Sutorius, ETW; Varricatt, W; Walton, NA; Weatherley, SJ


S Dye

SJ Warren

NC Hambly

NJG Cross

ST Hodgkin

MJ Irwin

A Lawrence

AJ Adamson

O Almaini

P Hirst

RF Jameson

PW Lucas

C van Breukelen

J Bryant

M Casali

RS Collins

GB Dalton

JI Davies

CJ Davis

JP Emerson

DW Evans

S Foucaud

EA Gonzales-Solares

PC Hewett

TR Kendall

TH Kerr

SK Leggett

N Lodieu

J Loveday

JR Lewis

RG Mann

RG McMahon

DJ Mortlock

Y Nakajima

DJ Pinfield

MG Rawlings

MA Read

M Riello

K Sekiguchi

AJ Smith

ETW Sutorius

W Varricatt

NA Walton

SJ Weatherley


Dye, S., Warren, S., Hambly, N., Cross, N., Hodgkin, S., Irwin, M., …Weatherley, S. (2006). The UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey Early Data Release. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 372(3), 1227-1252

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date 2006-11
Journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters
Print ISSN 0035-8711
Publisher Royal Astronomical Society
Volume 372
Issue 3
Pages 1227-1252
Public URL