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Untangling differentiation in arc lavas: constraints from unusual minor and trace element variations at Salak Volcano, Indonesia

Handley, H.K.; Davidson, J.P.; Macpherson, C.G.; Stimac, J.A.

Untangling differentiation in arc lavas: constraints from unusual minor and trace element variations at Salak Volcano, Indonesia Thumbnail


H.K. Handley

J.P. Davidson

J.A. Stimac


Volcanic rocks from Salak Volcano in West Java display intriguing minor and trace element geochemical variations with silica. TiO2 and P2O5 contents, Y, HFSE and REE concentrations are abnormally rich in the Central Vent Group (CVG) lavas (e.g. Y = 32–69 ppm; Yb, 3–6.5 ppm) and display striking positive correlations with SiO2. This contrasts with rocks erupted at side vents (SVG) on the eastern and western flanks of Salak and with rock suites of most other Javan volcanoes where these elements remain relatively constant with increasing SiO2. Modelling of major and trace element data indicate that low pressure fractional crystallisation exerts strong control on the composition of CVG lavas. HFSE and HREE data are inconsistent with magma mixing, and can be explained by incompatible behaviour during fractionation of plagioclase, clinopyroxene and Fe-Ti oxide ± orthopyroxene and olivine. The observed variations in K/Rb and Ba/Th ratios and correlation of 87Sr/86Sr with indices of differentiation necessitate assimilation of a low K/Rb, low Ba/Th, Sr-rich contaminant with 87Sr/86Sr of ~ 0.7048 during fractional crystallisation. For the eastern flank SVG, deep fractionation of a phase in which HFSE and HREE are compatible (e.g. amphibole) is implicated. By extension, this is also suggested to occur beneath the majority of Javan volcanoes. Radiogenic isotope ratios (Sr-Hf-Nd) of Salak lavas are similar to other Javan lavas. SVG rocks erupted from the eastern flank vent have significantly more primitive Hf-Nd isotope ratios than other Salak volcanic rocks and may represent the least contaminated (by arc crust or subduction input) Salak lavas.


Handley, H., Davidson, J., Macpherson, C., & Stimac, J. (2008). Untangling differentiation in arc lavas: constraints from unusual minor and trace element variations at Salak Volcano, Indonesia. Chemical Geology, 255(3-4), 360-376.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Oct 1, 2008
Deposit Date Feb 10, 2009
Publicly Available Date Nov 1, 2010
Journal Chemical Geology
Print ISSN 0009-2541
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 255
Issue 3-4
Pages 360-376
Keywords Crustal contamination, Fractional crystallisation, Geochemistry, HFSE, Petrogenesis, Sunda arc.
Public URL


Accepted Journal Article (1.9 Mb)

Copyright Statement
NOTICE: this is the author's version of a work that was accepted for publication in Chemical geology.

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