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New Approaches are needed for Science in Primary Schools

Bolden, D.; Tymms, P.; Merrell, C.


C. Merrell


The current approach to primary science is not working. So say the findings from a Wellcome Trust-commissioned review. The drive to raise standards in literacy and numeracy is skewing the primary curriculum. The following article summarises some of the main points from the report.


Bolden, D., Tymms, P., & Merrell, C. (online). New Approaches are needed for Science in Primary Schools. School leadership today, 17-19

Journal Article Type Article
Deposit Date May 31, 2012
Journal School leadership today.
Print ISSN 2040-1310
Electronic ISSN 2048-0156
Publisher Imaginative Minds
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Issue 14
Pages 17-19
Public URL
Publisher URL