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Travelling through a warming world: Climate change and migratory species

Robinson, R.A.; Crick, H.Q.P.; Learmonth, J.A.; Maclean, I.M.D.; Thomas, C.D.; Bairlein, F.; Forchhammer, M.C.; Francis, C.M.; Gill, J.A.; Godley, B.J.; Harwood, J.; Hays, G.C.; Huntley, B.; Hutson, A.M.; Pierce, G.J.; Rehfisch, M.M.; Sims, D.W.; Santos, M.B.; Sparks, T.H.; Stroud, D.A.; Visser, M.E.


R.A. Robinson

H.Q.P. Crick

J.A. Learmonth

I.M.D. Maclean

C.D. Thomas

F. Bairlein

M.C. Forchhammer

C.M. Francis

J.A. Gill

B.J. Godley

J. Harwood

G.C. Hays

A.M. Hutson

G.J. Pierce

M.M. Rehfisch

D.W. Sims

M.B. Santos

T.H. Sparks

D.A. Stroud

M.E. Visser


Robinson, R., Crick, H., Learmonth, J., Maclean, I., Thomas, C., Bairlein, F., Forchhammer, M., Francis, C., Gill, J., Godley, B., Harwood, J., Hays, G., Huntley, B., Hutson, A., Pierce, G., Rehfisch, M., Sims, D., Santos, M., Sparks, T., Stroud, D., & Visser, M. (2008). Travelling through a warming world: Climate change and migratory species. Endangered Species Research,

Journal Article Type Article
Online Publication Date Jun 17, 2008
Publication Date 2008
Journal Endangered Species Research
Print ISSN 1863-5407
Electronic ISSN 1613-4796
Publisher Inter Research
Public URL