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CAP2, cyclase-associated protein 2, is a dual compartment protein

Peche, V.; Shekar, S.; Leichter, M.; Korte, H.; Schroder, R.; Schleicher, M.; Holak, T.A.; Clemen, C.S.; Ramanath, Y.B.; Pfitzer, G.; Karakesisoglou, I.; Noegel, A.A.


V. Peche

S. Shekar

M. Leichter

H. Korte

R. Schroder

M. Schleicher

T.A. Holak

C.S. Clemen

Y.B. Ramanath

G. Pfitzer

A.A. Noegel


Cyclase-associated proteins (CAPs) are evolutionarily conserved proteins with roles in regulating the actin cytoskeleton and in signal transduction. Mammals have two CAP genes encoding the related CAP1 and CAP2. We studied the distribution and subcellular localization of CAP1 and CAP2 using specific antibodies. CAP1 shows a broad tissue distribution, whereas CAP2 is significantly expressed only in brain, heart and skeletal muscle, and skin. CAP2 is found in the nucleus in undifferentiated myoblasts and at the M-line of differentiated myotubes. In PAM212, a mouse keratinocyte cell line, CAP2 is enriched in the nucleus, and sparse in the cytosol. By contrast, CAP1 localizes to the cytoplasm in PAM212 cells. In human skin, CAP2 is present in all living layers of the epidermis localizing to the nuclei and the cell periphery. In in vitro studies, a C-terminal fragment of CAP2 interacts with actin, indicating that CAP2 has the capacity to bind to actin.


Peche, V., Shekar, S., Leichter, M., Korte, H., Schroder, R., Schleicher, M., …Noegel, A. (2007). CAP2, cyclase-associated protein 2, is a dual compartment protein. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 64(19-20), 2702-15

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date 2007
Journal Cell Mol Life Sci
Print ISSN 1420-682X
Publisher Springer
Volume 64
Issue 19-20
Pages 2702-15
Public URL
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