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Active crustal shortening in NE Syria revealed by deformed terraces of the River Euphrates.

Abou Romieh, M.; Westaway, R.; Daoud, M.; Radwan, Y.; Yassminh, R.; Khalil, A.; Al-Ashkar, A.; Loughlin, S.; Arrell, K.; Bridgland, D.


M. Abou Romieh

R. Westaway

M. Daoud

Y. Radwan

R. Yassminh

A. Khalil

A. Al-Ashkar

S. Loughlin

K. Arrell


The Africa–Arabia plate boundary comprises the Red Sea oceanic spreading centre and the left-lateral Dead Sea Fault Zone (DSFZ); however, previous work has indicated kinematic inconsistency between its continental and oceanic parts. The Palmyra Fold Belt (PFB) splays ENE from the DSFZ in SW Syria and persists for ~400 km to the River Euphrates, but its significance within the regional pattern of active crustal deformation has hitherto been unclear. We report deformation of Euphrates terraces consistent with Quaternary right-lateral transpression within the PFB, indicating anticlockwise rotation (estimated as 0.3º Ma–1 about 36.0 º N 39.8 º E) of the block between the PFB and the northern DSFZ relative to the Arabian Plate interior. The northern DSFZ is shown to be kinematically consistent with the combination of Euler vectors for the PFB and the Red Sea spreading, resolving the inconsistency previously evident. The SW PFB causes a significant earthquake hazard, previously unrecognized, to the city of Damascus.


Abou Romieh, M., Westaway, R., Daoud, M., Radwan, Y., Yassminh, R., Khalil, A., …Bridgland, D. (2009). Active crustal shortening in NE Syria revealed by deformed terraces of the River Euphrates. Terra Nova, 21(6),

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date 2009
Deposit Date Jul 7, 2010
Journal Terra Nova
Print ISSN 0954-4879
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 21
Issue 6
Public URL