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Visual exploration training is no better than attention training for treating hemianopia

Lane, A.R.; Smith, D.T.; Ellison, A.; Schenk, T.

Visual exploration training is no better than attention training for treating hemianopia Thumbnail


T. Schenk


Patients with homonymous visual field defects experience disabling functional impairments as a consequence of their visual loss. Compensatory visual exploration training aims to improve the searching skills of these patients in order to help them to cope more effectively. However, until now the efficacy of this training has not been compared to that of a control intervention. Given that exploration training uses the visual search paradigm, which is known to require visual attention, in this study the efficacy of the technique was compared with training that requires visual attention but not exploration. Participants completed either exploration training (n = 21), or attention training followed by exploration training (n = 21). Assessment of the visual field, visual search, reading and activities of daily living were performed before and after each intervention that the participants completed. The results revealed that both the exploration training and the attention training led to significant improvements in most of the visual tasks. For most of the tasks exploration training did not prove superior to attention training, and for reading both types of intervention failed to yield any benefits. The results indicate that attention plays a large role in the rehabilitation of homonymous visual field defects.


Lane, A., Smith, D., Ellison, A., & Schenk, T. (2010). Visual exploration training is no better than attention training for treating hemianopia. Brain, 133(6), 1717-1728.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date May 1, 2010
Deposit Date May 21, 2010
Publicly Available Date Apr 1, 2011
Journal Brain
Print ISSN 0006-8950
Electronic ISSN 1460-2156
Publisher Oxford University Press
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 133
Issue 6
Pages 1717-1728
Keywords Compensation, Hemianopia, Rehabilitation, Visual attention.
Public URL
Publisher URL


Accepted Journal Article (783 Kb)

Copyright Statement
This is a pre-copy-editing author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in Brain following peer review. The definitive publisher-authenticated version Lane, A.R. and Smith, D.T. and Ellison, A. and Schenk, T. (2010) 'Visual exploration training is no better than attention training for treating hemianopia.', Brain, 133(6): 1717-1728 is available online at:

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