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New insights on Arctic Quaternary climate variability from palaeo-records and numerical modelling

Jakobsson, M.; Long, A.J.; Ingólfsson, O.; Kjær, K.H.; Spielhagen, R.F.


M. Jakobsson

O. Ingólfsson

K.H. Kjær

R.F. Spielhagen


Terrestrial and marine geological archives in the Arctic contain information on environmental change through Quaternary interglacial–glacial cycles. The Arctic Palaeoclimate and its Extremes (APEX) scientific network aims to better understand the magnitude and frequency of past Arctic climate variability, with focus on the “extreme” versus the “normal” conditions of the climate system. One important motivation for studying the amplitude of past natural environmental changes in the Arctic is to better understand the role of this region in a global perspective and provide base-line conditions against which to explore potential future changes in Arctic climate under scenarios of global warming. In this review we identify several areas that are distinct to the present programme and highlight some recent advances presented in this special issue concerning Arctic palaeo-records and natural variability, including spatial and temporal variability of the Greenland Ice Sheet, Arctic Ocean sediment stratigraphy, past ice shelves and marginal marine ice sheets, and the Cenozoic history of Arctic Ocean sea ice in general and Holocene oscillations in sea ice concentrations in particular. The combined sea ice data suggest that the seasonal Arctic sea ice cover was strongly reduced during most of the early Holocene and there appear to have been periods of ice free summers in the central Arctic Ocean. This has important consequences for our understanding of the recent trend of declining sea ice, and calls for further research on causal links between Arctic climate and sea ice.


Jakobsson, M., Long, A., Ingólfsson, O., Kjær, K., & Spielhagen, R. (2010). New insights on Arctic Quaternary climate variability from palaeo-records and numerical modelling. Quaternary Science Reviews, 29(25-26), 3349-3358.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Oct 1, 2010
Deposit Date Jan 18, 2011
Journal Quaternary Science Reviews
Print ISSN 0277-3791
Electronic ISSN 1873-457X
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 29
Issue 25-26
Pages 3349-3358
Public URL