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Low-temperature interactions of magnetic excitons in LaCoO(3)

Giblin, S.R.; Terry, I.; Prabhakaran, D.; Boothroyd, A.T.; Leighton, C.

Low-temperature interactions of magnetic excitons in LaCoO(3) Thumbnail


S.R. Giblin

D. Prabhakaran

A.T. Boothroyd

C. Leighton


The low-temperature magnetic behavior of LaCoO3, containing oxygen vacancies, is reported. Magnetic-susceptibility measurements made in the temperature range of 0.5–35 K on a single crystal and a polycrystalline sample provide strong evidence for the existence of magnetic excitons as fundamental entities within the bulk of the material system. Specifically, two distinct types of excitons form, isolated and interacting excitons, both of which are associated with oxygen vacancies. Isolated magnetic excitons act as high-spin paramagnetic particles while the interacting excitons appear to be coupled antiferromagnetically. It is proposed that the interaction arises from the overlap of magnetic excitons as a consequence of the statistical clustering of oxygen vacancies. The striking similarity of these results with those of the lightly doped La0.97Sr0.03CoO3 suggests that the observed excitons are a precursor to magneto-electronic phase separation and supports the idea that phase separation is initiated by disorder in the material system.


Giblin, S., Terry, I., Prabhakaran, D., Boothroyd, A., & Leighton, C. (2009). Low-temperature interactions of magnetic excitons in LaCoO(3). Physical review B, 79(17), Article 174410.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date May 1, 2009
Deposit Date Jul 18, 2011
Publicly Available Date Aug 18, 2011
Journal Physical review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Print ISSN 1098-0121
Electronic ISSN 1550-235X
Publisher American Physical Society
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 79
Issue 17
Article Number 174410
Public URL


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