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Observations on Mohr-Coulomb plasticity under plane strain

Coombs, W.M.; Crouch, R.S.; Heaney, C.E.

Observations on Mohr-Coulomb plasticity under plane strain Thumbnail


R.S. Crouch

C.E. Heaney


Linear elastic-perfect plasticity using the Mohr-Coulomb yield surface is one of the most widely used pressure-sensitive constitutive models in engineering practice. In the area of geotechnical engineering a number of problems, such as cavity expansion, embankment stability and footing bearing capacity, can be examined using this model together with the simplifying assumption of plane-strain. This paper clarifies the situation regarding the direction of the intermediate principal stress in such an analysis and reveals a unique relationship between hydrostatic pressure and the principal stress ratio for Mohr-Coulomb and Tresca perfect plasticity under those plane-strain conditions. The rational relationship and direction of the intermediate principal stress are illustrated through both material point and finite-element simulations. The latter involves the analysis of a rigid strip footing bearing onto a weightless soil and the finite deformation expansion of a cylindrical cavity.


Coombs, W., Crouch, R., & Heaney, C. (2013). Observations on Mohr-Coulomb plasticity under plane strain. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 139(9), 1218-1228.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date 2013
Deposit Date Sep 13, 2011
Publicly Available Date Aug 30, 2013
Journal Journal of Engineering Mechanics
Print ISSN 0733-9399
Electronic ISSN 1943-7889
Publisher American Society of Civil Engineers
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 139
Issue 9
Pages 1218-1228
Keywords Intermediate principal stress, Mohr-Coulomb, Tresca, Elasto-plasticity, Plane-strain analysis, Geomaterials.
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