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Hybrid Radar Emitter Recognition Based on Rough K-Means Classifier and SVM

Wu, Z.; Yang, Z.; Sun, Hongjian; Yin, Z.; Nallanathan, A.

Hybrid Radar Emitter Recognition Based on Rough K-Means Classifier and SVM Thumbnail


Z. Wu

Z. Yang

Z. Yin

A. Nallanathan


Due to the increasing complexity of electromagnetic signals, there exists a significant challenge for recognizing radar emitter signals. In this article, a hybrid recognition approach is presented that classifies radar emitter signals by exploiting the different separability of samples. The proposed approach comprises two steps, i.e., the primary signal recognition and the advanced signal recognition. In the former step, the rough k-means classifier is proposed to cluster the samples of radar emitter signals by using the rough set theory. In the latter step, the samples within the rough boundary are used to train the support vector machine (SVM). Then SVM is used to recognize the samples in the uncertain area; therefore, the classification accuracy is improved. Simulation results show that, for recognizing radar emitter signals, the proposed hybrid recognition approach is more accurate, and has a lower time complexity than the traditional approaches.


Wu, Z., Yang, Z., Sun, H., Yin, Z., & Nallanathan, A. (2012). Hybrid Radar Emitter Recognition Based on Rough K-Means Classifier and SVM. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2012, Article 198.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Sep 2, 2012
Publication Date Sep 18, 2012
Deposit Date Apr 16, 2013
Publicly Available Date Oct 29, 2015
Journal EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing
Print ISSN 1687-6172
Electronic ISSN 1687-6180
Publisher SpringerOpen
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 2012
Article Number 198
Keywords Emitter recognition, Rough boundary, Uncertain boundary, Training sample, Time complexity.
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