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Herwig++ 2.1 Release Note

Bahr, M.; Gieseke, S.; Gigg, M.; Grellscheid, D.; Hamilton, K.; Latunde-Dada, O.; Platzer, S.; Richardson, P.; Seymour, M.H.; Sherstnev, A.; Webber, B.R.


M. Bahr

S. Gieseke

M. Gigg

D. Grellscheid

K. Hamilton

O. Latunde-Dada

S. Platzer

M.H. Seymour

A. Sherstnev

B.R. Webber


A new release of the Monte Carlo program Herwig++ (version 2.1) is now available. This version includes a number of significant improvements including: an eikonal multiple parton-parton scattering model of the underlying event; the inclusion of Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) physics; and a new hadronic decay model tuned to LEP data. This version of the program is now fully ready for the simulation of events in hadron-hadron collisions.


Bahr, M., Gieseke, S., Gigg, M., Grellscheid, D., Hamilton, K., Latunde-Dada, O., Platzer, S., Richardson, P., Seymour, M., Sherstnev, A., & Webber, B. (online). Herwig++ 2.1 Release Note

Journal Article Type Article
Deposit Date May 10, 2013
Publicly Available Date Jun 29, 2015
Journal arXiv.
Peer Reviewed Not Peer Reviewed
Issue Cavendish-HEP-07/10, CERN-PH-TH/226, CP3-07-30, IPPP/07/89, DCPT/07/178, KA-TP-30
Public URL
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