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Time to seize the (red) bull by the horns: the EU's failure to protect children from alcohol and unhealthy food marketing

Bartlett, Oliver; Garde, Amandine

Time to seize the (red) bull by the horns: the EU's failure to protect children from alcohol and unhealthy food marketing Thumbnail


Oliver Bartlett

Amandine Garde


Following the publication of the Commission’s first application report on the Audiovisual Media Services Directive, this article provides an analysis of the provisions regulating the marketing of food and alcoholic beverages to children. After examining evidence on the impact of food and alcohol marketing to children, it assesses the weaknesses of the Directive’s provisions regulating such practices, placing them within the broader context of the Directive and the existing EU consumer protection and fundamental rights agenda. It concludes that the growing health burden of non-communicable diseases in Europe places an onus on the European Union to do far more to prevent children from being targeted by the alcohol and food industries.


Bartlett, O., & Garde, A. (2013). Time to seize the (red) bull by the horns: the EU's failure to protect children from alcohol and unhealthy food marketing. European law review, 38(4), 498-520

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Jan 1, 2013
Deposit Date Sep 24, 2013
Publicly Available Date Mar 18, 2015
Journal European Law Review
Print ISSN 0307-5400
Electronic ISSN 2754-1800
Publisher Sweet and Maxwell
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 38
Issue 4
Pages 498-520
Keywords Alcohol, Child protection, EU law, Food products, Marketing, Obesity, Self-regulation.
Public URL
Publisher URL


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