Professor Colm O'Cofaigh
Head Of Department
Professor Colm O'Cofaigh
Head Of Department
J.T. Andrews
A.E. Jennings
J.A. Dowdeswell
K.A. Hogan
A.A. Kilfeather
C. Sheldon
Along the West Greenland continental margin adjoining Baffin Bay, bathymetric data show a series of large submarine fans located at the mouths of cross-shelf troughs. One of these fans, termed here ‘Uummannaq Fan’, is a trough-mouth fan built largely by debris delivered from a fast-flowing outlet of the Greenland Ice Sheet during past glacial maxima. Cores from this fan provide the first information on glacimarine sedimentary facies within a major West Greenland trough-mouth fan and on the nature of Late Weichselian–Holocene glacigenic sediment delivery to this region of the Baffin Bay margin. Glacigenic debris flows deposited on the upper slope and extending to at least 1800 m water depth in front of the trough-mouth are related to the remobilization of subglacial debris that was delivered onto the upper slope at times when an ice stream was positioned at the shelf edge. In contrast, sedimentary facies from the northern sector of the fan are characterized by hemipelagic and ice-rafted sediments and turbidites; glacigenic debris flows are notably absent in cores from this region. Quantitative X-ray diffraction studies of the <2-mm sediment fraction indicate that the bulk of the sediment in the fan is derived from Uummannaq Trough but there are distinct intervals when sediment from northern Baffin Bay sources dominates, especially on the northern limit of the fan. These data demonstrate considerable variation in the nature of sediment delivery across the Uummannaq Fan when the Greenland Ice Sheet was at the shelf edge. They highlight the variability of glacimarine depositional processes operating on trough-mouth fans on high-latitude continental margins during the last glacial maximum and indicate that glacigenic debris flows are just one of a number of mechanisms by which such large depocentres form.
Ó Cofaigh, C., Andrews, J., Jennings, A., Dowdeswell, J., Hogan, K., Kilfeather, A., & Sheldon, C. (2013). Glacimarine lithofacies, provenance and depositional processes on a West Greenland trough-mouth fan. Journal of Quaternary Science, 28(1), 13-26.
Journal Article Type | Article |
Publication Date | 2013-01 |
Deposit Date | May 14, 2014 |
Journal | Journal of Quaternary Science |
Print ISSN | 0267-8179 |
Electronic ISSN | 1099-1417 |
Publisher | Wiley |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
Volume | 28 |
Issue | 1 |
Pages | 13-26 |
DOI | |
Keywords | Glacimarine sedimentation, Greenland Ice Sheet, Trough mouth fan, Uummannaq Fan, West Greenland continental margin. |
Public URL | |
The geomorphological record of an ice stream to ice shelf transition in Northeast Greenland
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