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Moving beyond standard procedures to assess spontaneous recognition memory

Ameen-Ali, K.E.; Easton, A.; Eacott, M.J.

Moving beyond standard procedures to assess spontaneous recognition memory Thumbnail


K.E. Ameen-Ali

M.J. Eacott


This review will consider how spontaneous tasks have been applied alongside neuroscientific techniques to test complex forms of recognition memory for objects and their environmental features, e.g. the spatial location of an object or the context in which it is presented. We discuss studies that investigate the roles of the perirhinal cortex and the hippocampus in recognition memory using standard testing paradigms, and consider how these findings contribute to the ongoing debate about whether recognition memory is a single unitary process or multiple processes that can be dissociated anatomically and functionally. Due to the wide use of spontaneous tasks, the need for improved procedures that reduce animal use is acknowledged, with multiple trial paradigms discussed as a novel way of reducing variability and animal numbers in these tasks. The importance of improving translation of animal models to humans is highlighted, with emphasis on a shift away from relying on the phenomenological experience of human subjects.


Ameen-Ali, K., Easton, A., & Eacott, M. (2015). Moving beyond standard procedures to assess spontaneous recognition memory. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 53, 37-51.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Mar 25, 2015
Publication Date Jun 1, 2015
Deposit Date Mar 25, 2015
Publicly Available Date Apr 15, 2015
Journal Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews
Print ISSN 0149-7634
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 53
Pages 37-51
Keywords Recognition memory, Episodic memory, Perirhinal cortex, Hippocampus, Novelty, Familiarity.
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