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Paranoid Ideation and Assessments of Trust

Kirk, H; Gilmour, A; Riby, DM; Dudley, R

Paranoid Ideation and Assessments of Trust Thumbnail


H Kirk

A Gilmour

R Dudley


The ability to make accurate social judgements is crucial to effective functioning in society. Individuals suffering from paranoia are suspicious and mistrustful of others and consequently may have difficulties accurately assessing information about others within their environment. We investigated the effects of paranoid ideation on evaluations of trustworthiness from unfamiliar faces in a non-clinical sample. Measures of paranoid beliefs about others were used to assess 122 typically developing young adults. Individuals categorised with high paranoid ideation (n = 25) and low paranoid ideation (n = 23) subsequently rated unfamiliar faces that had previously been manipulated to look untrustworthy, of average trust, and trustworthy. Individuals high in paranoid ideation rated faces as significantly less trustworthy than those low in paranoid ideation. Both groups altered their ratings according to the trustworthiness of the face, but those high in paranoia rated all faces as less trustworthy. The findings suggest a bias in social judgements in individuals with high levels of paranoid ideation. They are able to judge faces for trustworthiness but have a bias towards a lower estimation of trust.


Kirk, H., Gilmour, A., Riby, D., & Dudley, R. (2013). Paranoid Ideation and Assessments of Trust. Journal of Experimental Psychopathology, 4(4), 360-367.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Jan 1, 2013
Deposit Date Dec 15, 2014
Publicly Available Date Dec 16, 2014
Journal Journal of Experimental Psychopathology
Print ISSN 2043-8087
Publisher SAGE Publications
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 4
Issue 4
Pages 360-367
Keywords Paranoia, Trust, Face perception.
Public URL


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