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The alignment and shape of dark matter, stellar, and hot gas distributions in the EAGLE and cosmo-OWLS simulations

Velliscig, M.; Cacciato, M.; Schaye, J.; Crain, R.A.; Bower, R.G.; van Daalen, M.P.; Dalla Vecchia, C.; Frenk, C.S.; Furlong, M.; McCarthy, I.G.; Schaller, M.; Theuns, T.

The alignment and shape of dark matter, stellar, and hot gas distributions in the EAGLE and cosmo-OWLS simulations Thumbnail


M. Velliscig

M. Cacciato

J. Schaye

R.A. Crain

R.G. Bower

M.P. van Daalen

C. Dalla Vecchia

M. Furlong

I.G. McCarthy

M. Schaller


We report the alignment and shape of dark matter, stellar, and hot gas distributions in the EAGLE (Evolution and Assembly of GaLaxies and their Environments) and cosmo-OWLS (OverWhelmingly Large Simulations) simulations. The combination of these state-of-the-art hydrodynamical cosmological simulations enables us to span four orders of magnitude in halo mass (11 ≤ log10(M200/[ h−1 M⊙]) ≤ 15), a wide radial range (−2.3 ≤ log10(r/[ h−1 Mpc]) ≤ 1.3) and redshifts 0 ≤ z ≤ 1. The shape parameters of the dark matter, stellar and hot gas distributions follow qualitatively similar trends: they become more aspherical (and triaxial) with increasing halo mass, radius, and redshift. We measure the misalignment of the baryonic components (hot gas and stars) of galaxies with their host halo as a function of halo mass, radius, redshift, and galaxy type (centrals versus satellites and early- versus late-type). Overall, galaxies align well with the local distribution of the total (mostly dark) matter. However, the stellar distributions on galactic scales exhibit a median misalignment of about 45–50 deg with respect to their host haloes. This misalignment is reduced to 25–30 deg in the most massive haloes (13 ≤ log10(M200/[ h−1 M⊙]) ≤ 15). Half of the disc galaxies in the EAGLE simulations have a misalignment angle with respect to their host haloes larger than 40 deg. We present fitting functions and tabulated values for the probability distribution of galaxy–halo misalignment to enable a straightforward inclusion of our results into models of galaxy formations based on purely collisionless N-body simulations.


Velliscig, M., Cacciato, M., Schaye, J., Crain, R., Bower, R., van Daalen, M., …Theuns, T. (2015). The alignment and shape of dark matter, stellar, and hot gas distributions in the EAGLE and cosmo-OWLS simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 453(1), 721-738.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jul 23, 2015
Publication Date Oct 11, 2015
Deposit Date Feb 10, 2016
Publicly Available Date Feb 19, 2016
Journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Print ISSN 0035-8711
Electronic ISSN 1365-2966
Publisher Royal Astronomical Society
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 453
Issue 1
Pages 721-738
Keywords Galaxies: formation, Galaxies: haloes, Cosmology: theory, Large-scale structure of Universe.
Public URL


Published Journal Article (906 Kb)

Copyright Statement
This article has been accepted for publication in Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society © 2015 The Authors. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.

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