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Urbanism in Ancient Peninsular Italy: developing a methodology for a database analysis of higher order settlements (350 BCE to 300 CE)

Sewell, J.P.; Witcher, R.E.

Urbanism in Ancient Peninsular Italy: developing a methodology for a database analysis of higher order settlements (350 BCE to 300 CE) Thumbnail


J.P. Sewell


This article describes the methodology of a two-year research project to create an analytical database and GIS of 583 (proto-)urban centres on the Italian peninsula that existed between 350 BCE and 300 CE. The article is linked to the project's data files, deposited with the ADS, and is essential reading for users of the database. The research design, format and functionality of the database are described in conjunction with the challenges encountered during the methodological development of the project. The relevance of the project to the historical development of urbanism on the Italian peninsula during the period under study is outlined. An overview of the project's results provides an insight into the potential of the research methodology. It is relevant to anyone interested in ancient urbanism, Italian and Roman archaeology, or in the methods and results of combining ancient textual and archaeological legacy data with geospatial data.


Sewell, J., & Witcher, R. (2015). Urbanism in Ancient Peninsular Italy: developing a methodology for a database analysis of higher order settlements (350 BCE to 300 CE). Internet Archaeology, 40,

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Mar 4, 2015
Online Publication Date Jun 23, 2015
Publication Date Jun 1, 2015
Deposit Date Jun 23, 2015
Publicly Available Date Jul 15, 2015
Journal Internet Archaeology
Print ISSN 1363-5387
Electronic ISSN 1363-5387
Publisher Council for British Archaeology
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 40
Keywords Higher-order settlements, Towns, Cities, Proto-urban, Roman urbanism, Pre-Roman Italy, Italian peninsula, Analytical database, GIS.
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