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Tree-level Recursion Relation and Dual Superconformal Symmetry of the ABJM Theory

Gang, Dongmin; Huang, Yu-tin; Koh, Eunkyung; Lee, Sangmin; Lipstein, Arthur E.


Dongmin Gang

Yu-tin Huang

Eunkyung Koh

Sangmin Lee


We propose a recursion relation for tree-level scattering amplitudes in three-dimensional Chern-Simons-matter theories. The recursion relation involves a complex deformation of momenta which generalizes the BCFW-deformation used in higher dimensions. Using background field methods, we show that all tree-level superamplitudes of the ABJM theory vanish for large deformations, establishing the validity of the recursion formula. Furthermore, we use the recursion relation to compute six-point and eight-point component amplitudes and match them with independent computations based on Feynman diagrams or the Grassmannian integral formula. As an application of the recursion relation, we prove that all tree-level amplitudes of the ABJM theory have dual superconformal symmetry. Using generalized unitarity methods, we extend this symmetry to the cut-constructible parts of the loop amplitudes.


Gang, D., Huang, Y., Koh, E., Lee, S., & Lipstein, A. E. (2011). Tree-level Recursion Relation and Dual Superconformal Symmetry of the ABJM Theory. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2011(03), Article 116.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date 2011
Deposit Date Feb 22, 2016
Journal Journal of High Energy Physics
Print ISSN 1126-6708
Publisher Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA)
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 2011
Issue 03
Article Number 116
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