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From Scopophilia to Abjection: Vision and Blindness in the Monja que se arrancó los ojos

Beresford, AM



The brief untitled exemplum preserved uniquely in MS 77 of the Biblioteca Menéndez Pelayo and generally known as the Monja que se arrancó los ojos, tells the tale of a nun who, rather than submit to the lechery of a king, opts instead to mutilate herself in order to spurn his attentions. This article, which draws on theories of the gaze and of abjection (showing how from a certain theoretical perspective they could be considered complementary hermeneutics for tackling the same issue), analyses the complex symbolic implications of self-mutilation, showing how the Nun’s actions could be interpreted from a range of complementary perspectives.


Beresford, A. (2016). From Scopophilia to Abjection: Vision and Blindness in the Monja que se arrancó los ojos. Miríada hispánica, 12, 111-127

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Mar 13, 2015
Publication Date 2016
Deposit Date Mar 22, 2016
Journal Miríada Hispánica
Print ISSN 2171-5718
Publisher University of Virginia
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 12
Pages 111-127
Public URL
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