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Career adaptability, job search self-efficacy and outcomes: A three-wave investigation among Chinese University Graduates.

Guan, Y.; Deng, H.; Sun, J.; Wang, Y.; Cai, Z.; Ye, L.; Fu, R.; Zhang, S.; Li, Y.


Profile image of Hong Deng

Hong Deng
Honorary Professor

J. Sun

Y. Wang

Z. Cai

L. Ye

R. Fu

S. Zhang

Y. Li


Based on career construction theory, the current research examined the role of career adaptability in Chinese university graduates' job search process (N = 270). Results from a three-wave survey study showed that the four dimension of career adaptability (measured at wave 1) correlated positively with university graduates' job search self-efficacy (measured at wave 2) and their employment status (measured at wave 3). Among graduates who became employed, career adaptability dimensions also predicted positively their person–environment (P–E) fit perceptions (measured at wave 3). The results further showed that with the effects of demographics (gender, age, education level and major) and family background (family economical status and parental education) controlled for, when putting the four dimensions of career adaptability together, career concern and career control served as the strongest predictors for job search self-efficacy, which further mediated the positive effects of these two dimensions on employment status. In addition, career control also had indirect effect on P–E fit through the mediation of job search self-efficacy. Additional analyses using the global indicator of career adaptability also supported this mediation model such that career adaptability significantly predicted employment status and P–E fit, with these relations mediated by job search self-efficacy. These findings carry implications for research on career construction theory, as well as career education and career counseling practices.


Guan, Y., Deng, H., Sun, J., Wang, Y., Cai, Z., Ye, L., …Li, Y. (2013). Career adaptability, job search self-efficacy and outcomes: A three-wave investigation among Chinese University Graduates. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 83(3), 561-570.

Journal Article Type Article
Online Publication Date Sep 14, 2013
Publication Date 2013-12
Deposit Date May 6, 2016
Journal Journal of Vocational Behavior
Print ISSN 0001-8791
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 83
Issue 3
Pages 561-570
Public URL