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Impact of warning labels on sugar-sweetened beverages on parental selection: An online experimental study

Mantzari, E.; Vasiljevic, M.; Turney, I.; Pilling, M.; Marteau, T.M.

Impact of warning labels on sugar-sweetened beverages on parental selection: An online experimental study Thumbnail


E. Mantzari

I. Turney

M. Pilling

T.M. Marteau


Sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are one of the largest added sugar sources to diets in the UK and USA, particularly among young people. Warning labels, including calorie information labels, could reduce SSB consumption but uncertainty surrounds the labels that are most effective. This study assessed the impact of labels containing (a) each of two image-based warnings and (b) calorie information, singly and together, on SSB selection by parents of 11–16-year-olds living in the UK. Using a 3 (disease image, sugar content image, no image) × 2 (calorie information, no calorie information) between-subjects experimental design, 2002 participants were randomised to see beverages with one of six labels and selected one for their child to consume. The primary outcome was the proportion of participants selecting an SSB. Data were collected in December 2017. Logistic regressions showed SSB selection was lower when labels contained an image-based warning (35%), compared to not having any label (49%) or just calorie information (43.5%). The disease image lowered selection more than the sugar image (32% vs 40.5%). Providing calorie information with the disease image had no additional impact on selection (33%) but enhanced the impact of the sugar image (36%). Image-based warning labels discourage SSB selection by parents for their children. Images depicting health consequences of excess sugar consumption have larger effects than those depicting sugar content. Calorie information does not add to the effect of the former but does to that of the latter. Field studies are needed to assess the impact of SSB warning labels in real-life settings.


Mantzari, E., Vasiljevic, M., Turney, I., Pilling, M., & Marteau, T. (2018). Impact of warning labels on sugar-sweetened beverages on parental selection: An online experimental study. Preventive Medicine Reports, 12, 259-267.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Oct 21, 2018
Online Publication Date Oct 23, 2018
Publication Date Dec 1, 2018
Deposit Date Nov 1, 2018
Publicly Available Date Nov 2, 2018
Journal Preventive Medicine Reports
Electronic ISSN 2211-3355
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 12
Pages 259-267
Public URL


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