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Whatever Happened to Green Collar Jobs? Populism and Clean Energy Transition

Knuth, S.E.

Whatever Happened to Green Collar Jobs? Populism and Clean Energy Transition Thumbnail



In today’s populist moment, climate change response has become anything but “postpolitical.” The project to decarbonize energy supplies is generating ongoing political clashes today, including between competing forms of capital/ism. In the United States, rising renewable energy industries in places like California contend with fossil fuel blocs and their regional bases. Such confrontations are sparking populist organizing on the right and left. I argue that critical geography must further consider left populist movements’ role in these politics of clean energy transition, grievance, and reparation and openings for collectively advancing more liberatory futures. I survey a wave of coalition-building that has evolved in the United States since the beginnings of the New Economy, allying U.S. environmentalists, organized labor, and, more recently, racial and community justice organizers. This movement became most visible as it built networks around calls for national “green collar” job creation during the late 2000s financial crisis and 2008 presidential campaign. Its organizing shaped noteworthy, if ultimately limited Obama administration programs and continues to influence clean energy rollout in regions such as California, particularly campaigns for job quality and racial diversity in green construction. I consider here both these successes and their limits in a turbulent clean-tech sector: the need for farther reaching transformations in energy–industrial policy and democratic participation in shaping them.


Knuth, S. (2019). Whatever Happened to Green Collar Jobs? Populism and Clean Energy Transition. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 109(2), 634-643.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Aug 1, 2018
Online Publication Date Jan 22, 2019
Publication Date 2019
Deposit Date Sep 7, 2018
Publicly Available Date Jan 22, 2020
Journal Annals of the American Association of Geographers
Print ISSN 2469-4452
Electronic ISSN 2469-4460
Publisher Taylor and Francis Group
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 109
Issue 2
Pages 634-643
Public URL


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