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Measurement of the primordial helium abundance from the intergalactic medium

Cooke, Ryan; Fumagalli, Michele

Measurement of the primordial helium abundance from the intergalactic medium Thumbnail



Almost every helium atom in the Universe was created just a few minutes after the Big Bang through a process commonly referred to as Big Bang nucleosynthesis1,2. The amount of helium that was made during Big Bang nucleosynthesis is determined by combining particle physics and cosmology3. The current leading measures of the primordial helium abundance (YP) are based on the relative strengths of H I and He I emission lines emanating from star-forming regions in local metal-poor galaxies4,5,6,7. As the statistical errors on these measurements improve, it is essential to test for systematics by developing independent techniques. Here we report a determination of the primordial helium abundance based on a near-pristine intergalactic gas cloud that is seen in absorption against the light of a background quasar. This gas cloud, observed when the Universe was just one-third of its present age (zabs = 1.724), has a metal content around 100 times less than that of the Sun, and at least 30% less metal content than the most metal-poor H II region currently known where a determination of the primordial helium abundance is possible. We conclude that the helium abundance of this intergalactic gas cloud is Y=0.250+0.033−0.025, which agrees with the standard model primordial value8,9,10, YP = 0.24672 ± 0.00017. Our determination of the primordial helium abundance is not yet as precise as that derived using metal-poor galaxies, but our method has the potential to offer a competitive test of physics beyond the standard model during Big Bang nucleosynthesis.


Cooke, R., & Fumagalli, M. (2018). Measurement of the primordial helium abundance from the intergalactic medium. Nature Astronomy, 2(12), 957-961.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Aug 30, 2018
Online Publication Date Oct 15, 2018
Publication Date Dec 1, 2018
Deposit Date Sep 18, 2018
Publicly Available Date Apr 15, 2019
Journal Nature Astronomy
Electronic ISSN 2397-3366
Publisher Nature Research
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 2
Issue 12
Pages 957-961
Public URL


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