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Optimal Downlink Transmission for Cell-Free SWIPT Massive MIMO Systems with Active Eavesdropping

Alageli, M.; Ikhlef, A.; Alsifiany, F.; Abdullah, M.A.M.; Chen, G.; Chambers, J.

Optimal Downlink Transmission for Cell-Free SWIPT Massive MIMO Systems with Active Eavesdropping Thumbnail


M. Alageli

F. Alsifiany

M.A.M. Abdullah

G. Chen

J. Chambers


This paper considers secure simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) in cell-free massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. The system consists of a large number of randomly (Poisson-distributed) located access points (APs) serving multiple information users (IUs) and an information-untrusted dual-antenna active energy harvester (EH). The active EH uses one antenna to legitimately harvest energy and the other antenna to eavesdrop information. The APs are networked by a centralized infinite backhaul which allows the APs to synchronize and cooperate via a central processing unit (CPU). Closed-form expressions for the average harvested energy (AHE) and a tight lower bound on the ergodic secrecy rate (ESR) are derived. The obtained lower bound on the ESR takes into account the IUs’ knowledge attained by downlink effective precoded-channel training. Since the transmit power constraint is per AP, the ESR is nonlinear in terms of the transmit power elements of the APs and that imposes new challenges in formulating a convex power control problem for the downlink transmission. To deal with these nonlinearities, a new method of balancing the transmit power among the APs via relaxed semidefinite programming (SDP) which is proven to be rank-one globally optimal is derived. A fair comparison between the proposed cell-free and the colocated massive MIMO systems shows that the cell-free MIMO outperforms the colocated MIMO over the interval in which the AHE constraint is low and vice versa. Also, the cell-free MIMO is found to be more immune to the increase in the active eavesdropping power than the colocated MIMO.


Alageli, M., Ikhlef, A., Alsifiany, F., Abdullah, M., Chen, G., & Chambers, J. (2020). Optimal Downlink Transmission for Cell-Free SWIPT Massive MIMO Systems with Active Eavesdropping. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 50, 1983-1998.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Nov 3, 2019
Online Publication Date Nov 20, 2019
Publication Date 2020
Deposit Date Nov 3, 2019
Publicly Available Date Nov 4, 2019
Journal IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
Print ISSN 1556-6013
Electronic ISSN 1556-6021
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 50
Pages 1983-1998
Public URL


Accepted Journal Article (964 Kb)

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