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Comparative study of performance and emissions of a diesel engine using Chinese pistache and jatropha biodiesel

Huang, Jincheng; Wang, Yaodong; Qin, Jian-bin; Roskilly, Anthony P.


Jincheng Huang

Jian-bin Qin


An experimental study of the performances and emissions of a diesel engine is carried out using two different biodiesels derived from Chinese pistache oil and jatropha oil compared with pure diesel. The results show that the diesel engine works well and the power outputs are stable running with the two selected biodiesels at different loads and speeds. The brake thermal efficiencies of the engine run by the biodiesels are comparable to that run by pure diesel, with some increases of fuel consumptions. It is found that the emissions are reduced to some extent when using the biodiesels. Carbon monoxide (CO) emissions are reduced when the engine run at engine high loads, so are the hydrocarbon (HC) emissions. Nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions are also reduced at different engine loads. Smoke emissions from the engine fuelled by the biodiesels are lowered significantly than that fuelled by diesel. It is also found that the engine performance and emissions run by Chinese pistache are very similar to that run by jatropha biodiesel.


Huang, J., Wang, Y., Qin, J.-B., & Roskilly, A. P. (2010). Comparative study of performance and emissions of a diesel engine using Chinese pistache and jatropha biodiesel. Fuel Processing Technology, 91(11), 1761-1767.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jul 20, 2010
Online Publication Date Aug 8, 2010
Publication Date 2010-11
Deposit Date Nov 5, 2019
Journal Fuel Processing Technology
Print ISSN 0378-3820
Publisher Elsevier
Volume 91
Issue 11
Pages 1761-1767
Keywords Diesel engine; Biodiesel; Chinese pistache; Jatropha
Public URL