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Potential Applications of Digital Technology in Assessment, Treatment, and Self-help for Hallucinations

Thomas, Neil; Bless, Josef J; Alderson-Day, Ben; Bell, Imogen H; Cella, Matteo; Craig, Tom; Delespaul, Philippe; Hugdahl, Kenneth; Laloyaux, Julien; Larøi, Frank; Lincoln, Tania M; Schlier, Björn; Urwyler, Prabitha; van den Berg, David; Jardri, Renaud

Potential Applications of Digital Technology in Assessment, Treatment, and Self-help for Hallucinations Thumbnail


Neil Thomas

Josef J Bless

Imogen H Bell

Matteo Cella

Tom Craig

Philippe Delespaul

Kenneth Hugdahl

Julien Laloyaux

Frank Larøi

Tania M Lincoln

Björn Schlier

Prabitha Urwyler

David van den Berg

Renaud Jardri


The field of digital mental health is rapidly expanding with digital tools being used in assessment, intervention, and supporting self-help. The application of digital mental health to hallucinations is, however, at a very early stage. This report from a working group of the International Consortium on Hallucinations Research considers particular synergies between the phenomenon of hallucinations and digital tools that are being developed. Highlighted uses include monitoring and managing intermittently occurring hallucinations in daily life; therapeutic applications of audio and video media including virtual and augmented reality; targeting verbal aspects of hallucinations; and using avatars to represent hallucinatory voices. Although there is a well-established Internet-based peer support network, digital resources for hallucinations have yet to be implemented in routine practice. Implementation may benefit from identifying how to market resources to the broad range of populations who experience hallucinations and identifying sustainable funding models. It is envisaged that digital tools will contribute to improved self-management and service provision for people experiencing hallucinations.


Thomas, N., Bless, J. J., Alderson-Day, B., Bell, I. H., Cella, M., Craig, T., Delespaul, P., Hugdahl, K., Laloyaux, J., Larøi, F., Lincoln, T. M., Schlier, B., Urwyler, P., van den Berg, D., & Jardri, R. (2019). Potential Applications of Digital Technology in Assessment, Treatment, and Self-help for Hallucinations. Schizophrenia Bulletin: The Journal of Psychoses and Related Disorders, 45(Supplement_1), S32-S42.

Journal Article Type Article
Online Publication Date Feb 1, 2019
Publication Date Feb 1, 2019
Deposit Date Feb 13, 2019
Publicly Available Date Feb 13, 2019
Journal Schizophrenia Bulletin
Print ISSN 0586-7614
Electronic ISSN 1745-1701
Publisher Oxford University Press
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 45
Issue Supplement_1
Pages S32-S42
Public URL


Published Journal Article (261 Kb)

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© The Author(s) 2019. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center.
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