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Acute intraocular pressure changes during isometric exercise and recovery: The influence of exercise type and intensity, and participant´s sex

Vera, Jesús; Raimundo, Jiménez; García-Durán, Beatriz; Pérez-Castilla, Alejandro; Redondo, Beatriz; Delgado, Gabriel; Koulieris, George-Alex; García-Ramos, Amador

Acute intraocular pressure changes during isometric exercise and recovery: The influence of exercise type and intensity, and participant´s sex Thumbnail


Jesús Vera

Jiménez Raimundo

Beatriz García-Durán

Alejandro Pérez-Castilla

Beatriz Redondo

Gabriel Delgado

Amador García-Ramos


We assessed the intraocular pressure (IOP) behaviour during a 1-minute period of isometric physical effort and the immediate 1-minute of recovery in the mid-thigh clean pull and squat exercises at three different intensities. Twenty physically active individuals performed the isometric mid-thigh clean pull and squat exercises at three intensities (0% [low-intensity], 25% [medium-intensity] and 50% [high-intensity] of the maximum isometric force). IOP was semi-continuously measured by rebound tonometry. There was a statistically significant effect of exercise intensity on IOP (p < 0.001, ƞp² = 0.416), observing that IOP increments were positively associated with exercise intensity. The mid-thigh clean pull and squat exercises did not demonstrate differences (p = 0.510), and also, no differences were observed between men and women (p = 0.683). The IOP changes during the isometric physical effort showed a positive linear behaviour in all conditions (r = 0.70 to 0.96). IOP returned to baseline levels after 8 seconds of recovery. Our data showed a progressive and instantaneous IOP increment during isometric exercise, which was positively associated with exercise intensity. IOP changes were independent on the type of exercise and participant´s sex. After exercise, IOP rapidly (≈ 8 seconds) returned to baseline levels.


Vera, J., Raimundo, J., García-Durán, B., Pérez-Castilla, A., Redondo, B., Delgado, G., Koulieris, G.-A., & García-Ramos, A. (2019). Acute intraocular pressure changes during isometric exercise and recovery: The influence of exercise type and intensity, and participant´s sex. Journal of Sports Sciences, 37(19), 2213-2219.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date May 24, 2019
Online Publication Date Jun 8, 2019
Publication Date Sep 30, 2019
Deposit Date Jun 17, 2019
Publicly Available Date Jun 9, 2020
Journal Journal of Sports Sciences
Print ISSN 0264-0414
Electronic ISSN 1466-447X
Publisher Taylor and Francis Group
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 37
Issue 19
Pages 2213-2219
Public URL


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