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An analytic study of applying Miller cycle to reduce NOx emission from petrol engine

Wang, Yaodong; Lin, Lin; Roskilly, Anthony P.; Zeng, Shengchuo; Huang, Jincheng; He, Yunxin; Huang, Xiaodong; Huang, Huilan; Wei, Haiyan; Li, Shangping; Yang, Jing


Lin Lin

Shengchuo Zeng

Jincheng Huang

Yunxin He

Xiaodong Huang

Huilan Huang

Haiyan Wei

Shangping Li

Jing Yang


An analytic investigation of applying Miller cycle to reduce nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions from a petrol engine is carried out. The Miller cycle used in the investigation is a late intake valve closing version. A detailed thermodynamic analysis of the cycle is presented. A comparison of the characters of Miller cycle with Otto cycle is presented. From the results of thermodynamic analyses, it can be seen that the application of Miller cycle is able to reduce the compression pressure and temperature in the cylinder at the end of compression stroke. Therefore, it lowers down the combustion temperature and NOx formation in engine cylinder. These results in a lower exhaust temperature and less NOx emissions compared with that of Otto cycle. The analytic results also show that Miller cycle ratio is a main factor to influence the combustion temperature, and then the NOx emissions and the exhaust temperature. The results from the analytic study are used to analyse and to compare with the previous experimental results. An empirical formula from the previous experimental results that showed the relation of NOx emissions with the exhaust temperature at different engine speed is presented. The results from the study showed that the application of Miller cycle may reduce NOx emissions from petrol engine.


Wang, Y., Lin, L., Roskilly, A. P., Zeng, S., Huang, J., He, Y., Huang, X., Huang, H., Wei, H., Li, S., & Yang, J. (2007). An analytic study of applying Miller cycle to reduce NOx emission from petrol engine. Applied Thermal Engineering, 27(11-12), 1779-1789.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jan 14, 2007
Online Publication Date Jan 26, 2007
Publication Date 2007-08
Deposit Date Nov 5, 2019
Journal Applied Thermal Engineering
Print ISSN 1359-4311
Publisher Elsevier
Volume 27
Issue 11-12
Pages 1779-1789
Keywords Petrol engine; Miller cycle; NOx emissions; Analytic study;
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