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LOFAR 150-MHz observations of the Boötes field: catalogue and source counts

Williams, W.L.; van Weeren, R.J.; Röttgering, H.J.A.; Best, P.; Dijkema, T.J.; de Gasperin, F.; Hardcastle, M.J.; Heald, G.; Prandoni, I.; Sabater, J.; Shimwell, T.W.; Tasse, C.; van Bemmel, I.M.; Brüggen, M.; Brunetti, G.; Conway, J.E.; Enßlin, T.; Engels, D.; Falcke, H.; Ferrari, C.; Haverkorn, M.; Jackson, N.; Jarvis, M.J.; Kapińska, A.D.; Mahony, E.K.; Miley, G.K.; Morabito, L.K.; Morganti, R.; Orrú, E.; Retana-Montenegro, E.; Sridhar, S.S.; Toribio, M.C.; White, G.J.; Wise, M.W.; Zwart, J.T.L.


W.L. Williams

R.J. van Weeren

H.J.A. Röttgering

P. Best

T.J. Dijkema

F. de Gasperin

M.J. Hardcastle

G. Heald

I. Prandoni

J. Sabater

T.W. Shimwell

C. Tasse

I.M. van Bemmel

M. Brüggen

G. Brunetti

J.E. Conway

T. Enßlin

D. Engels

H. Falcke

C. Ferrari

M. Haverkorn

N. Jackson

M.J. Jarvis

A.D. Kapińska

E.K. Mahony

G.K. Miley

R. Morganti

E. Orrú

E. Retana-Montenegro

S.S. Sridhar

M.C. Toribio

G.J. White

M.W. Wise

J.T.L. Zwart


Williams, W., van Weeren, R., Röttgering, H., Best, P., Dijkema, T., de Gasperin, F., Hardcastle, M., Heald, G., Prandoni, I., Sabater, J., Shimwell, T., Tasse, C., van Bemmel, I., Brüggen, M., Brunetti, G., Conway, J., Enßlin, T., Engels, D., Falcke, H., Ferrari, C., …Zwart, J. (2016). LOFAR 150-MHz observations of the Boötes field: catalogue and source counts. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 460(3),

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date May 3, 2016
Online Publication Date May 29, 2016
Publication Date 2016
Deposit Date Nov 1, 2019
Journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Print ISSN 0035-8711
Electronic ISSN 1365-2966
Publisher Royal Astronomical Society
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 460
Issue 3
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