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Extreme hydrothermal conditions at an active plate-bounding fault

Sutherland, Rupert; Townend, John; Toy, Virginia; Upton, Phaedra; Coussens, Jamie; Allen, Michael; Baratin, Laura-May; Barth, Nicolas; Becroft, Leeza; Boese, Carolin; Boles, Austin; Boulton, Carolyn; Broderick, Neil G.R.; Janku-Capova, Lucie; Carpenter, Brett M.; Célérier, Bernard; Chamberlain, Calum; Cooper, Alan; Coutts, Ashley; Cox, Simon; Craw, Lisa; Doan, Mai-Linh; Eccles, Jennifer; Faulkner, Dan; Grieve, Jason; Grochowski, Julia; Gulley, Anton; Hartog, Arthur; Howarth, Jamie; Jacobs, Katrina; Jeppson, Tamara; Kato, Naoki; Keys, Steven; Kirilova, Martina; Kometani, Yusuke; Langridge, Rob; Lin, Weiren; Little, Timothy; Lukacs, Adrienn; Mallyon, Deirdre; Mariani, Elisabetta; Massiot, Cécile; Mathewson, Loren; Melosh, Ben; Menzies, Catriona; Moore, Jo; Morales, Luiz; Morgan, Chance; Mori, Hiroshi; Niemeijer, Andre; Nishikawa, Osamu; Prior, David; Sauer, Katrina; Savage, Martha; Schleicher, Anja; Schmitt, Douglas R.; Shigematsu, Norio; Taylor-Offord, Sam; Teagle, Damon; Tobin, Harold;...


Rupert Sutherland

John Townend

Virginia Toy

Phaedra Upton

Jamie Coussens

Michael Allen

Laura-May Baratin

Nicolas Barth

Leeza Becroft

Carolin Boese

Austin Boles

Carolyn Boulton

Neil G.R. Broderick

Lucie Janku-Capova

Brett M. Carpenter

Bernard Célérier

Calum Chamberlain

Alan Cooper

Ashley Coutts

Simon Cox

Lisa Craw

Mai-Linh Doan

Jennifer Eccles

Dan Faulkner

Jason Grieve

Julia Grochowski

Anton Gulley

Arthur Hartog

Jamie Howarth

Katrina Jacobs

Tamara Jeppson

Naoki Kato

Steven Keys

Martina Kirilova

Yusuke Kometani

Rob Langridge

Weiren Lin

Timothy Little

Adrienn Lukacs

Deirdre Mallyon

Elisabetta Mariani

Cécile Massiot

Loren Mathewson

Ben Melosh

Jo Moore

Luiz Morales

Chance Morgan

Hiroshi Mori

Andre Niemeijer

Osamu Nishikawa

David Prior

Katrina Sauer

Martha Savage

Anja Schleicher

Douglas R. Schmitt

Norio Shigematsu

Sam Taylor-Offord

Damon Teagle

Harold Tobin

Robert Valdez

Konrad Weaver

Thomas Wiersberg

Jack Williams

Nick Woodman

Martin Zimmer


Temperature and fluid pressure conditions control rock deformation and mineralization on geological faults, and hence the distribution of earthquakes1. Typical intraplate continental crust has hydrostatic fluid pressure and a near-surface thermal gradient of 31 ± 15 degrees Celsius per kilometre2,3. At temperatures above 300–450 degrees Celsius, usually found at depths greater than 10–15 kilometres, the intra-crystalline plasticity of quartz and feldspar relieves stress by aseismic creep and earthquakes are infrequent. Hydrothermal conditions control the stability of mineral phases and hence frictional–mechanical processes associated with earthquake rupture cycles, but there are few temperature and fluid pressure data from active plate-bounding faults. Here we report results from a borehole drilled into the upper part of the Alpine Fault, which is late in its cycle of stress accumulation and expected to rupture in a magnitude 8 earthquake in the coming decades4,5. The borehole (depth 893 metres) revealed a pore fluid pressure gradient exceeding 9 ± 1 per cent above hydrostatic levels and an average geothermal gradient of 125 ± 55 degrees Celsius per kilometre within the hanging wall of the fault. These extreme hydrothermal conditions result from rapid fault movement, which transports rock and heat from depth, and topographically driven fluid movement that concentrates heat into valleys. Shear heating may occur within the fault but is not required to explain our observations. Our data and models show that highly anomalous fluid pressure and temperature gradients in the upper part of the seismogenic zone can be created by positive feedbacks between processes of fault slip, rock fracturing and alteration, and landscape development at plate-bounding faults.


Sutherland, R., Townend, J., Toy, V., Upton, P., Coussens, J., Allen, M., Baratin, L.-M., Barth, N., Becroft, L., Boese, C., Boles, A., Boulton, C., Broderick, N. G., Janku-Capova, L., Carpenter, B. M., Célérier, B., Chamberlain, C., Cooper, A., Coutts, A., Cox, S., …Zimmer, M. (2017). Extreme hydrothermal conditions at an active plate-bounding fault. Nature, 546(7656), 137-140.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Mar 21, 2017
Online Publication Date May 17, 2017
Publication Date 2017-06
Deposit Date Apr 24, 2020
Journal Nature
Print ISSN 0028-0836
Electronic ISSN 1476-4687
Publisher Nature Research
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 546
Issue 7656
Pages 137-140
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