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Ion-specific Interactions at Calcite-Brine Interfaces: A Nano-Scale Study of the Surface Charge Development and Preferential Binding of Polar Hydrocarbons

Badizad, Mohammad Hasan; Koleini, Mehdi Mehdi; Greenwell, Chris; Ayatollahi, Shahab; Ghazanfari, Mohammad Hossein; Mohammadi, Mohsen

Ion-specific Interactions at Calcite-Brine Interfaces: A Nano-Scale Study of the Surface Charge Development and Preferential Binding of Polar Hydrocarbons Thumbnail


Mohammad Hasan Badizad

Mehdi Mehdi Koleini

Shahab Ayatollahi

Mohammad Hossein Ghazanfari

Mohsen Mohammadi


This research provides an atomic-level insight into the synergic contribution of mono- and divalent ions to interfacial characteristics of calcite surface exposed to electrolyte solution containing organic compounds. The emphasis was placed on the ionic interactions responsible for charge developing mechanisms of calcite surface and also the capacity for polar hydrocarbons adsorption, represented by Benzoic acid (BA), at different brine compositions. For this purpose, Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation was employed to explore the interplay of the main constituent ions of natural brines (Na+, Cl-, Mg2+, and SO42-) and BA at the interface of CaCO3. It was observed that surface accumulation of Na+ cations produces a positively charged layer immediate to the basal plane of calcite, validating the typical positive surface charge of carbonates reported by laboratory experiences. Meanwhile, a negatively charged layer appears beyond the sodium layer as a result of direct and solvent-mediated pairing of anions with Na+ cations lodging on the calcite substrate. In this process, sulfate adsorption severely diminishes surface charge to even a negative value in the case of SO42--rich solution, providing an interpretation for the measurements reported in the literature. Our results revealed the inhibition of direct binding of BA molecules onto the calcite surface through complexion with protruding oxygen atoms of basal carbonates by the residing Na+ cations. Further, we noticed the sulfate-mediated pairing of BA molecules to the Na+ layer, which in effect intensifies surface adsorption of BA. However, BA-SO42- interaction is considerably reduced by magnesium cations shielding sulfate sites in the Mg2+-augmented brine. The findings presented in this study are of fundamental importance to advance our microscopic understanding on interfacial interactions in brine/oil/carbonate systems; with broad scientific and applied implications in the context of mobilizing organic contaminants trapped in aquifer sediments and enhancement of hydrophilicity of subsurface oil-bearing carbonate reservoirs by injecting ion-modified brine solutions.


Badizad, M. H., Koleini, M. M., Greenwell, C., Ayatollahi, S., Ghazanfari, M. H., & Mohammadi, M. (2020). Ion-specific Interactions at Calcite-Brine Interfaces: A Nano-Scale Study of the Surface Charge Development and Preferential Binding of Polar Hydrocarbons. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22(48), 27999-28011.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Nov 12, 2020
Online Publication Date Nov 16, 2020
Publication Date 2020
Deposit Date Nov 29, 2020
Publicly Available Date Nov 16, 2021
Journal Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
Print ISSN 1463-9076
Electronic ISSN 1463-9084
Publisher Royal Society of Chemistry
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 22
Issue 48
Pages 27999-28011
Public URL


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