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Glycine nanostructures and domains in beta-glycine: computational modeling and PFM observations

Bystrov, V.S.; S. Hosseini, E.; Bdikin, I.K.; Kopyl, S.; Kholkin, A.L.; Vasilev, S.G.; Zelenovskiy, P.S.; Vasileva, D.S.; Shur, V.Ya


V.S. Bystrov

I.K. Bdikin

S. Kopyl

A.L. Kholkin

S.G. Vasilev

P.S. Zelenovskiy

D.S. Vasileva

V.Ya Shur


In this work computational molecular modeling of β-glycine nanostructures is presented, using various approaches, mostly semi-empirical quantum approximation PM3 type in HyperChem software in restricted Hartree-Fock calculations. The main aims of present studies focus on the molecular modeling for the β-glycine domains and domain walls formation and interaction. Obtained results are presented in visual 3D-models of the glycine domains and domain walls, compared with experimentally observed by PFM domain walls structures. Modeling is arranged with calculated values of physical data (polarization, etc.). Analysis of these new computed and corroborated PFM experimental data for β-glycine domains are presented.


Bystrov, V., S. Hosseini, E., Bdikin, I., Kopyl, S., Kholkin, A., Vasilev, S., Zelenovskiy, P., Vasileva, D., & Shur, V. (2016). Glycine nanostructures and domains in beta-glycine: computational modeling and PFM observations. Ferroelectrics, 496(1), 28-45.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Oct 30, 2015
Online Publication Date Apr 15, 2016
Publication Date 2016
Deposit Date Dec 25, 2021
Journal Ferroelectrics
Print ISSN 0015-0193
Electronic ISSN 1563-5112
Publisher Taylor and Francis Group
Volume 496
Issue 1
Pages 28-45
Keywords Ferroelectrics; piezoelectrics; molecular modeling; glycine; nanocrystals; domain walls
Public URL