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Twenty‐first century bioarchaeology: Taking stock and moving forward

Buikstra, Jane E.; DeWitte, Sharon N.; Agarwal, Sabrina C.; Baker, Brenda J.; Bartelink, Eric J.; Berger, Elizabeth; Blevins, Kelly E.; Bolhofner, Katelyn; Boutin, Alexis T.; Brickley, Megan B.; Buzon, Michele R.; de la Cova, Carlina; Goldstein, Lynne; Gowland, Rebecca; Grauer, Anne L.; Gregoricka, Lesley A.; Halcrow, Siân E.; Hall, Sarah A.; Hillson, Simon; Kakaliouras, Ann M.; Klaus, Haagen D.; Knudson, Kelly J.; Knüsel, Christopher J.; Larsen, Clark Spencer; Martin, Debra L.; Milner, George R.; Novak, Mario; Nystrom, Kenneth C.; Pacheco‐Forés, Sofía I.; Prowse, Tracy L.; Robbins Schug, Gwen; Roberts, Charlotte A.; Rothwell, Jessica E.; Santos, Ana Luisa; Stojanowski, Christopher; Stone, Anne C.; Stull, Kyra E.; Temple, Daniel H.; Torres, Christina M.; Toyne, J. Marla; Tung, Tiffiny A.; Ullinger, Jaime; Wiltschke‐Schrotta, Karin; Zakrzewski, Sonia R.


Jane E. Buikstra

Sharon N. DeWitte

Sabrina C. Agarwal

Brenda J. Baker

Eric J. Bartelink

Elizabeth Berger

Katelyn Bolhofner

Alexis T. Boutin

Megan B. Brickley

Michele R. Buzon

Carlina de la Cova

Lynne Goldstein

Rebecca Gowland

Anne L. Grauer

Lesley A. Gregoricka

Siân E. Halcrow

Sarah A. Hall

Simon Hillson

Ann M. Kakaliouras

Haagen D. Klaus

Kelly J. Knudson

Christopher J. Knüsel

Clark Spencer Larsen

Debra L. Martin

George R. Milner

Mario Novak

Kenneth C. Nystrom

Sofía I. Pacheco‐Forés

Tracy L. Prowse

Gwen Robbins Schug

Jessica E. Rothwell

Ana Luisa Santos

Christopher Stojanowski

Anne C. Stone

Kyra E. Stull

Daniel H. Temple

Christina M. Torres

J. Marla Toyne

Tiffiny A. Tung

Jaime Ullinger

Karin Wiltschke‐Schrotta

Sonia R. Zakrzewski


This article presents outcomes from a Workshop entitled “Bioarchaeology: Taking Stock and Moving Forward,” which was held at Arizona State University (ASU) on March 6–8, 2020. Funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), the School of Human Evolution and Social Change (ASU), and the Center for Bioarchaeological Research (CBR, ASU), the Workshop's overall goal was to explore reasons why research proposals submitted by bioarchaeologists, both graduate students and established scholars, fared disproportionately poorly within recent NSF Anthropology Program competitions and to offer advice for increasing success. Therefore, this Workshop comprised 43 international scholars and four advanced graduate students with a history of successful grant acquisition, primarily from the United States. Ultimately, we focused on two related aims: (1) best practices for improving research designs and training and (2) evaluating topics of contemporary significance that reverberate through history and beyond as promising trajectories for bioarchaeological research. Among the former were contextual grounding, research question/hypothesis generation, statistical procedures appropriate for small samples and mixed qualitative/quantitative data, the salience of Bayesian methods, and training program content. Topical foci included ethics, social inequality, identity (including intersectionality), climate change, migration, violence, epidemic disease, adaptability/plasticity, the osteological paradox, and the developmental origins of health and disease. Given the profound changes required globally to address decolonization in the 21st century, this concern also entered many formal and informal discussions.


Buikstra, J. E., DeWitte, S. N., Agarwal, S. C., Baker, B. J., Bartelink, E. J., Berger, E., Blevins, K. E., Bolhofner, K., Boutin, A. T., Brickley, M. B., Buzon, M. R., de la Cova, C., Goldstein, L., Gowland, R., Grauer, A. L., Gregoricka, L. A., Halcrow, S. E., Hall, S. A., Hillson, S., Kakaliouras, A. M., …Zakrzewski, S. R. (2022). Twenty‐first century bioarchaeology: Taking stock and moving forward. American Journal of Biological Anthropology, 178(S74), 54-114.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jan 29, 2022
Online Publication Date Mar 22, 2022
Publication Date 2022-08
Deposit Date Apr 11, 2022
Journal American Journal of Biological Anthropology
Electronic ISSN 2692-7691
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 178
Issue S74
Pages 54-114
Public URL