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A unified picture of breaks and truncations in spiral galaxies from SDSS and S$^4$G imaging

Martín-Navarro, Ignacio; Bakos, Judit; Trujillo, Ignacio; Knapen, Johan H.; Athanassoula, E.; Bosma, Albert; Comerón, Sébastien; Elmegreen, Bruce G.; Erroz-Ferrer, Santiago; Gadotti, Dimitri A.; Gil de Paz, Armando; Hinz, Joannah L.; Ho, Luis C.; Holwerda, Benne W.; Kim, Taehyun; Laine, Jarkko; Laurikainen, Eija; Menéndez-Delmestre, Karín; Mizusawa, Trisha; Muñoz-Mateos, Juan-Carlos; Regan, Michael W.; Salo, Heikki; Seibert, Mark; Sheth, Kartik


Ignacio Martín-Navarro

Judit Bakos

Ignacio Trujillo

Johan H. Knapen

E. Athanassoula

Albert Bosma

Sébastien Comerón

Bruce G. Elmegreen

Santiago Erroz-Ferrer

Armando Gil de Paz

Joannah L. Hinz

Luis C. Ho

Benne W. Holwerda

Taehyun Kim

Jarkko Laine

Eija Laurikainen

Karín Menéndez-Delmestre

Trisha Mizusawa

Juan-Carlos Muñoz-Mateos

Michael W. Regan

Heikki Salo

Mark Seibert

Kartik Sheth


Martín-Navarro, I., Bakos, J., Trujillo, I., Knapen, J. H., Athanassoula, E., Bosma, A., Comerón, S., Elmegreen, B. G., Erroz-Ferrer, S., Gadotti, D. A., Gil de Paz, A., Hinz, J. L., Ho, L. C., Holwerda, B. W., Kim, T., Laine, J., Laurikainen, E., Menéndez-Delmestre, K., Mizusawa, T., Muñoz-Mateos, J.-C., …Sheth, K. (2012). A unified picture of breaks and truncations in spiral galaxies from SDSS and S$^4$G imaging. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 427(2), 1102-1134.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date 2012-12
Deposit Date May 25, 2022
Journal \mnras
Print ISSN 0035-8711
Publisher Royal Astronomical Society
Volume 427
Issue 2
Pages 1102-1134
Public URL
Publisher URL