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Attic Inscriptions in UK Collections: National Museums Scotland

de Lisle, Christopher; Liddel, Peter; Low, Polly

Attic Inscriptions in UK Collections: National Museums Scotland Thumbnail


Peter Liddel


The inscription presented in this volume, a first-century AD ephebic list in the collection of the National Museums Scotland (NMS), has never previously been published. Peter Liddel and Polly Low found a reference to it in an online catalogue in 2018 during the course of work on the AIUK project. In July 2021, Margaret Maitland, Principal Curator of the Ancient Mediterranean at National Museums Scotland, was able to access the stone and take several photographs, from which it became apparent that this was an inscription new to scholarship. Dr Maitland was immensely helpful in facilitating a visit by Polly Low and Chris de Lisle to autopsy the stone in August 2021, when the coronavirus restrictions meant that that was still a difficult undertaking, and she also organised high-quality photography. We therefore register our profound gratitude to her and the rest of the NMS team. We also thank Jaime Curbera, Heikki Solin and Tim Parkin for advice on onomastic matters (particularly hypocoristic names and the new name of line 29, Εὔθικτος), Stephen Lambert for his guidance on many points, Niall Bootland for his statistical expertise, as well as Alasdair Grant, Ian McHaffie, Daniel Potter, and Lorraine McLoughlin for notes on A. W. Inglis. We are grateful also to the two anonymous readers of this volume in draft for their comments and suggestions. We also acknowledge the dedicated work of Alice Wyllie (Communications Manager, National Museums Scotland) in successfully disseminating news of the inscription to the national and international press in May 2022.


de Lisle, C., Liddel, P., & Low, P. (2022). Attic Inscriptions in UK Collections: National Museums Scotland. AIO papers, 14,

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date 2022
Deposit Date Jul 12, 2022
Publicly Available Date Apr 14, 2023
Journal Attic Inscriptions in UK Collections
Print ISSN 2054-6769
Electronic ISSN 2054-6777
Publisher Attic Inscriptions Online
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 14
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