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Parental intimate partner violence and abuse during the COVID-19 pandemic - learning from remote and hybrid working to influence future support

Alderson, H.; Barrett, S.; Addison, M.; Burns, S.; Cooling, V.; Hackett, S.; Kaner, E.; McGovern, W.; Smart, D.; McGovern, R.

Parental intimate partner violence and abuse during the COVID-19 pandemic - learning from remote and hybrid working to influence future support Thumbnail


H. Alderson

S. Barrett

S. Burns

V. Cooling

S. Hackett

E. Kaner

W. McGovern

D. Smart

R. McGovern


Objectives: The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated intimate partner violence and abuse (IPVA). Incidents of IPVA have increased as a result of household tensions due to enforced coexistence (multiple national lockdowns and working from home practices), economic stress related to loss of income, the disruption of social and protective networks and the decreased access to support services. This study aimed to understand how female survivors of parental IPVA have experienced the adapted multi-agency response to IPVA during the pandemic and consider learning from remote and hybrid working to influence future support. Method: This study adopted a qualitative research design, utilising semi-structured interviews and a focus group. Data collection took place between March and September 2021. In total, 17 female survivors of IPVA took part in the project; we conducted the semi-structured interviews via telephone (n=9) and conducted an online focus group (n=8). Results: Findings identified that services for those experiencing IPVA need to be innovative, flexible, and adaptable and ‘reach out’ to survivors rather than waiting for survivors to ‘reach in’ and ask for support. Findings show that the digital space highlights ‘missed opportunities’ for engagement with both professionals and peers and the potential for digital poverty is a key implication, which risks entrenching existing inequalities. Conclusion: In-depth consideration needs to be given to the design, delivery and evaluation of online interventions and provision of support to improve access and acceptability of services, maximise their effectiveness and to support the safety of survivors.


Alderson, H., Barrett, S., Addison, M., Burns, S., Cooling, V., Hackett, S., Kaner, E., McGovern, W., Smart, D., & McGovern, R. (2022). Parental intimate partner violence and abuse during the COVID-19 pandemic - learning from remote and hybrid working to influence future support. Women's Health, 18,

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Sep 12, 2022
Online Publication Date Oct 12, 2022
Publication Date 2022
Deposit Date Sep 26, 2022
Publicly Available Date Sep 26, 2022
Journal Women's Health
Print ISSN 1745-5057
Electronic ISSN 1745-5065
Publisher SAGE Publications
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 18
Public URL


Accepted Journal Article (422 Kb)

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