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RAMESSES - Reykjanes axial melt experiment: synthesis of seismic and electromagnetic studies.

Sinha, M.C.; MacGregor, L.M.; Navin, D.A.; Peirce, C.; Inglis, M.A.; Constable, S.; White, A.; Heinson, G.


M.C. Sinha

L.M. MacGregor

D.A. Navin

M.A. Inglis

S. Constable

A. White

G. Heinson


Sinha, M., MacGregor, L., Navin, D., Peirce, C., Inglis, M., Constable, S., White, A., & Heinson, G. (1997, December). RAMESSES - Reykjanes axial melt experiment: synthesis of seismic and electromagnetic studies. Presented at European Geophysical Society Meeting 1997

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name European Geophysical Society Meeting 1997
Publication Date 1997
Public URL