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TEIFU: a high-resolution integral field unit for the William Herschel Telescope

Murray, Graham J.; Allington-Smith, Jeremy R.; Content, Robert; Dodsworth, George N.; Dunlop, Colin N.; Haynes, Roger; Sharples, Ray M.; Webster, John


Jeremy R. Allington-Smith

Robert Content

George N. Dodsworth

Colin N. Dunlop

Roger Haynes

Ray M. Sharples

John Webster


Murray, G. J., Allington-Smith, J. R., Content, R., Dodsworth, G. N., Dunlop, C. N., Haynes, R., Sharples, R. M., & Webster, J. (2000, December). TEIFU: a high-resolution integral field unit for the William Herschel Telescope

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Publication Date 2000
Volume 4008
Pages 611-622
Series Title Optical and IR Telescope Instrumentation and Detectors, Masanori Iye; Alan F. Moorwood; Eds. Proc. SPIE
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