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Software evolution in an interdisciplinary environment.

Bennett, K.H.; Bradley, S.; Glover, G.; Barnes, D.


K.H. Bennett

G. Glover

D. Barnes


L. O'Brien

Nicolas Gold


At Durham, an interdisciplinary team has implemented the UK?s first web-centred data base of adult mental health service provision (we regard interdisciplinary research to be taking place when two or more groups from different disciplines work together to solve a common problem). Like most applications, this is subject to evolution: the health service structure is changing rapidly, while feedback from domain users provides a constant source of improvements. One potential advantage of the database is that it offers potential to track and report on changes in service provision, although this must be implemented in the face of the substantial evolution. The main contribution of this paper is to reflect on the combination of domain drivers and evolution in software; we propose that a web services solution will meet the needs of the former while minimizing the effort to implement the latter.


Bennett, K., Bradley, S., Glover, G., & Barnes, D. (2003, September). Software evolution in an interdisciplinary environment. Presented at Software Technology and Engineering Practice, 11th. International Conference., Amsterdam

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name Software Technology and Engineering Practice, 11th. International Conference.
Publication Date 2003-09
Pages 199-203
Series Title STEP.
Book Title Eleventh Annual International Workshop on Software Technology and Engineering Practice: (STEP 2003): proceedings: Amsterdam, the Netherlands, September 9-21, 2003
Public URL