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Application of coincident wide-angle and normal incidence multichannel seismic techniques to the investigation of the oceanic lithosphere.

Navin, D.A.; Dalwood, R.E.; Peirce, C.; Sinha, M.C.; Watts, A.B.


D.A. Navin

R.E. Dalwood

M.C. Sinha

A.B. Watts


Navin, D., Dalwood, R., Peirce, C., Sinha, M., & Watts, A. (1995, December). Application of coincident wide-angle and normal incidence multichannel seismic techniques to the investigation of the oceanic lithosphere. Presented at Marine Studies Group

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name Marine Studies Group
Publication Date 1995
Publisher The Geological Society
Public URL